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Why Would Anyone Need an Assault Weapon?
The Assault Weapons Ban proposed by Senator Feinstein, like her previous ban, will fail to stop either common criminals or spree shooters. It is a bill borne out of serious ignorance and misconceptions about firearms and the nature of crime.
Giving Up the Gun
For those who campaign for stricter limits on how and where guns may be acquired and used, the new legal challenges will create troublesome delays, if not outright roadblocks.
Much Ammo About Nothing
Few issues bring forth such bilious bombast as the firefight between gun advocates and anti-gun activists. Shootings at Northern Illinois University and Virginia Tech recently brought questions of gun control back into the public consciousness. Now, as the Supreme Court prepares in this summer’s District of Columbia v. Heller to address the 2nd Amendment for the first time since 1939’s U.S. v. Miller, the bile is rising once more.
Going Ballistic
Why don't more people know about Borgelt's criminal negligence? Chalk it up to the bizarre nature of gun control politics, where pro-control lobbies propose additional regulations when those in place are battered and leaking illegal weapons like a sieve. Thus, the national discussion is always about the latest proposed control, and not whether those controls have been effective in the past.