Founded in 2001, the Columbia Political Review (CPR) is Columbia University’s premier undergraduate publication for multipartisan political discourse. Its mission is to provide an open forum for political thought on issues of local to global significance.
Our team publishes online content on a near-daily basis and produces a semesterly print magazine featuring select articles. We are committed to representing a diversity of viewpoints, backgrounds, and ideologies. Above all, our goal is to provide a venue for students to express themselves freely as their right to do so is increasingly threatened.
The Columbia Political Review maintains a staff of over 220 writers and editors. In addition to weekly staff meetings, the Columbia Political Review hosts a podcast, a newsletter, and a yearly High School Essay Contest. Policy 360 is our foreign policy roundtable, where writers represent different countries in a larger conversation on a single global issue.
We maintain close ties with Columbia University’s Political Science Department and are additionally affiliated with the Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA), an umbrella association of seven policy-related student groups on campus.
CPR hosts recruitment cycles for new staff members every semester. The publication also accepts pitches on an ongoing basis from non-staff members, community affiliates, and undergraduate students from other universities. To submit a pitch, please visit the pitch form located on CPR’s website.
For any questions, please email cupoliticalreview@gmail.com. CPR can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.