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Jordan: One Kingdom, Two Nations
While most Palestinians yearn for the birth of a new Palestinian state, and regardless of the fact that they do not enjoy the same privileges as their Jordanian counterparts, many Palestinians do not have any intention of migrating to a future “Palestine.”
From Sea to Shining...Puddle?
Despite these gloomy numbers, the American West's 49'er mentality of continual and aggressive resource consumption still persists. While the particular resource in this case is largely abundant (at least when compared to other natural resources) it is in no way infinite, much less renewable in the short-term. If it continues down this path, the West could be in serious trouble.
Physician, Heal Thyself!
While Putin certainly felt that he was, “returning [Crimea] to their home harbor,” his actions were aggressive and unwarranted. However, in condemning Putin's brazen defiance of international law, it is critical that the West’s foreign policy towards Russia and Ukraine evolves from “Big Bad Vlad Stealing”, which is little more than a return to Cold War-politics, to a response that reflects the nuances and complexities of the Crimean situation.
Pakistan’s Identity Crisis
If Sharif can clearly and effectively articulate to his people the brutality entailed by a Taliban regime, he can reduce the terrorist group's popular support. Only then will he able to subdue the military and to take on the Taliban at the negotiating table.
Air Combat over Eastern Ukraine
For now, Moscow has made no moves toward expanding its gains, and this hesitation likely indicates that the costs and risks of an air war against the Ukrainian military—as part of larger land operation or not—outweigh the benefits.
In Ukraine, Two Disparate Futures of Geopolitics
The crisis in Ukraine will end either with a humiliated West or a neutralized Russia: here's how either scenario could happen
It’s Time to Stand Against Putin
Just as Putin has demonstrated his seriousness to the West, Europe and the United States must stand resolutely, in total lock-step, against this brazenly aggressive move by Russia. On its own, the US can and should pass targeted sanctions against Russia, and the White House should also coach its leader to not wear jeans during a critical phone call in full view of the world stage.
When the Sky was Red
The United States frequently tested nuclear weapons in the Pacific with the equivalent power of 1.6 Hiroshima's per day. The largest test, Castle Bravo, was 1000X more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Assad's Quiet Allies: Christians
Christians and Muslims may pray to the same God, but can this God protect both peoples? Jordan’s Christians hope they never have to find out.
The Uncertain Path Ahead in the Middle East
The traditional balance of power of the entire region is shifting. Saudi Arabia’s authority is based solely on its robust oil exports to the US, and thus its power is beginning to wane in face of America’s shale oil revolution and Iran's rapidly-increasing oil exports
Afghanistan’s Terrible Trajectory
"Afghanistan has been in a state of war since 1979. Outside powers have inflicted great chaos in an already lawless territory. Tribes have exploited gains with both anti-Taliban and Taliban forces. But I am fully assured that Afghanistan’s future has to rest with the Afghani people themselves."
$10.10 an Hour
The minimum wage is a tricky subject. As with so many debates involving economics, seemingly-sound, yet antithetical, arguments abound, at times making it nearly impossible to distinguish between right or wrong, good or bad.
Columbia, The Socially Irresponsible Investor
But nowhere in Columbia's proxy voting guidelines does Columbia bother itself with the actual abstention from investments in fossil fuels, despite it simultaneous recognition of the moral irresponsibility of climate change. The hypocrisy!
The (invisible) Red Line
There remains, however, a single and constant truth in the conflict; the West—in particular, the United States—has suffered one of the most dire strategic losses in its foreign policy over the past thirty years.
Gentrification or Economic Development?
“Seaport City can provide… protection, while also expanding opportunities for new economic development.”
An Optimistic Examination of East African Terrorism
We have already seen Al-Shabaab pull itself from the ashes once before, and it will continue to launch mass casualty events like the Westgate operation, especially after its recent ideological “return”, so to speak, to internationalist jihad...And without AMISOM, the current Somali government will very likely collapse, paving the way for Al-Shabaab’s resurgence.
New York's Bloomberg Problem
Essentially, Bloomberg could have been able to ‘buy’ votes by utilizing funding resources unavailable to other city employees or mayoral candidates.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant
These powerful developments emanating from the Middle East demonstrate a region constantly disturbed by sectional interests and polarizing ideologies. Is there a solution?