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U.S., U.S.: Politics John Mellow U.S., U.S.: Politics John Mellow

Too Right to Be Wrong

As it now stands, the Republican Party has convinced a segment of the population that government is antithesis to the health of this nation. It has enabled a radical collection of far-right congressmen to eschew all compromise and centralized party direction. Tea Party politicians in Congress can afford, even relish, the political ramifications of a shutdown because, after forty years of anti-government rhetoric, these congressmen only need to re-affirm to their voters that government cannot function.

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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

Election 2012: Game Change 2.0

There has been much buzz recently regarding who the GOP nominee will choose as a running mate, and rightfully so; as John McCain showed in 2008, the Vice Presidential pick can make or break a candidacy.

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Taylor Thompson Taylor Thompson

You Only Live Thrice

The problem with megalomaniacs is that they never stick to the script. Newt Gingrich is one of the few men in American public life that can get away with saying whatever he wants. Whatever nuance exists in his public persona is masked by the verbal violence he does to anyone who gets in his way. The conventional wisdom is that this strength, by far his greatest, will be his undoing. The reality is more complicated.

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