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Kyle Dontoh Kyle Dontoh

The North Dakota Way

While the United States cannot reasonably expect to have 7.4% GDP growth or 3.2% unemployment, it can reasonably expect to gain some of the same benefits, on a national scale, that North Dakota does locally.

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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

The Reactor Factor

With both the knowledge of over three decades of scientific and engineering innovation and an understanding of the failures of Chernobyl and Fukushima in hand, we can develop more nuclear power in a manner that ensures both safety and productivity... but only if we first reject fear and political doublespeak.

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Sam Schon Sam Schon

The Nuclear Option

The nuclear industry, despite a rough patch in the past few decades, may be poised for a major renaissance. As the prices of conventional fuels such as coal and natural gas skyrocket, nuclear power has become increasingly attractive to utilities looking for stable operating costs, environmentally friendly sources of energy, and insurance against geopolitical threats to energy security. Finally, in an era of rising concern over energy security, the nuclear industry is being promoted as a domestic solution to the nation’s demand for imported energy.

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