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Editor's Note
This type of ideological disagreement and debate is what makes me love this publication. Since our inception, we have prided ourselves on being a “multi-partisan” magazine. People often ask me, “What does that even mean? Why don’t you just call yourselves a non-partisan magazine?” We are by no means a non-partisan magazine. Our writers hail from every political leaning and emphatically express their views without any inhibitions. That’s what makes us unique in a world of journalism in which political publications are quickly pigeonholed into one side or the other. This issue marks our 10th year of existence and I’m incredibly proud that we have stayed true to our ideals.
Points for Participation
If the system is broken, then it must be fixed. The question, of course, is how. It might be helpful to first look toward public policy elsewhere that has succeeded in reducing inequality and involving citizens more in governmental deliberations. In Belo Horizonte, Brazil, a municipal policy called participatory budgeting (PB), which has democratized the process of city budgeting, has succeeded in accomplishing just that.
Briefing: Egypt
Just a little over a year has passed since the outset of the massive uprisings that shook Egypt and deposed one of the longest-ruling Middle Eastern leaders in modern history, and they are quickly passing from the realm of current events into history.
Stuffed Democracy
Offset against grey skies and the black uniform of an average Istanbulite bundled against the cold, the bright yellow and turquoise banners of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) bring a hint of the Arab Spring to Taksim Square.
Divided by Definition
Perhaps the most critical and least acknowledged impediment to the negotiation of a conflict is the manipulation of language. No peace process can come to fruition when representatives from conflicting parties are embroiled in debates on semantics, yet individuals in both government and media inevitably employ strategic language at various stages in the process.
Modest Proposal: Misdiagnosis
The massive discrepancy between the debate over this bill and the facts of the American health care system is a testament to the sorry state of contemporary political discourse.
In Russia’s parliamentary elections on December 4, 2011, United Russia – the party of President-turned-Prime Minister-turned-current-President Vladimir Putin – won the majority of seats in the Duma, the Russian Parliament, amid cries (and video evidence) of widespread election fraud.
Righting Women’s Rights
Do You Believe Women’s Rights Includes the Right to Terminate a Pregnancy?
Dire Straits
Currently, the world’s geostrategic center is shifting northward, and few of us are paying attention.
Obamacare's Bitter Pill
The recent Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) contraception coverage mandate is one of the most recent examples of intrusive government power.