Editor's Note

Much to the chagrin of the people around us, managing editor Ayushi Roy and I have been persistently arguing throughout this entire layout weekend. We’ve finally come to the point at which we’ve realized that neither of us is going to relent; nothing she says is going to convince me that stability should trump civil liberties (or the other way around, in her case). This type of ideological disagreement and debate is what makes me love this publication. Since our inception, we have prided ourselves on being a “multi-partisan” magazine. People often ask me, “What does that even mean? Why don’t you just call yourselves a non-partisan magazine?” We are by no means a non-partisan magazine. Our writers hail from every political leaning and emphatically express their views without any inhibitions. That’s what makes us unique in a world of journalism in which political publications are quickly pigeonholed into one side or the other. This issue marks our 10th year of existence and I’m incredibly proud that we have stayed true to our ideals.

This issue is especially remarkable in portraying the wide array of ideological positions that our writers hold. In A Modest Proposal, Hussein Elbakri comes out in strong support of the basic policies in Obama’s health care law but proposes a shift in the framing of the debate itself. William Parish IV takes a more critical view of the legal underpinnings of the health policies passed by the Obama administration, specifically in the case of the mandated contraceptives coverage, urging the government to refrain from overstepping its role. This very debate has exploded into a national conversation about women’s rights. As a result, we have brought together CU Democrats, College Republicans, and Columbia Right to Life to share their thoughts on what they believe the notion of women’s rights entails and whether it extends to having the right to terminate a pregnancy.

As my tenure as editor-in-chief comes to a close, I must say that it’s been quite an amazing run. I’ve been blessed to have such an intelligent, energetic, and committed editorial board, without which none of my dreams for this publication would have come to fruition. I am confident that our incoming editor-in-chief, Constance Boozer, will continue to steer this magazine forward. After all, much of our accomplishments this past year were undoubtedly the result of her hard work. I’m excited to see the places this magazine will go under her leadership.

I wish you all the best of luck on your final exams! I hope this issue serves as a good break amidst the craze of studying.




Righting Women’s Rights


Points for Participation