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Foreign Companies in China: Normalizing Cultural Imperialism and Discrimination
The new generation of urban young Chinese people that have studied abroad is increasingly criticizing Western worshiping and domination.
Walking the Tightrope: the Paradoxical Relationship between Religion and Law in India
While protecting the right to religious freedom is of utmost importance, India struggles with social evils that are condoned by some of these personal laws...
Competitive Liberalization: a Policy to Leave in the Past
“You’re with us or against us” statements will not convince others to stand with the United States but will instead leave the United States out of other institutions like the AIIB or ASEAN. It is time that American leaders acknowledge the reality of US-China relations and, going forward, focus on collaboration rather than competition.
Book Review: North Korea’s Juche Myth
North Korea’s Juche Myth is a highly opinionated book that makes a compelling case for its own interpretation of Juche and is best suited for students and scholars of East Asian politics.
Election Rejection: The Bihar Elections as a Referendum on Modi
“Despite large sample sizes that were carefully distributed by caste, class, and religion, no pollster came close to gauging the mood of the electorate, a telling sign of a rapidly changing political climate in India that is today impossible to quantify in terms of mere identity politics."