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Yerv Melkonyan Yerv Melkonyan

Deconstructing the Wage Gap

At the end of last month, President Obama issued an executive order mandating firms with over one hundred employees to report wages paid, as well as information of gender, race, and ethnicity

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Campus Julie Zeilinger Campus Julie Zeilinger

Divas for DVA

Every 9 seconds, a woman in the United States is assaulted or beaten. Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused during her lifetime. The pervasiveness of this issue is astounding: Domestic violence is truly an issue that impacts us all – it transcends race, class, culture, and age, impacting women and men everywhere.

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Shervin Afshari-Tork Shervin Afshari-Tork

Election 2012: The Other Half

Now that the Republican nomination process is coming to a close, Democrats are beginning to define their campaign by focusing on critical issues that are sensitive to most voters in order to draw a clear contrast between itself and the GOP on both the budget and women’s reproductive rights.

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