All Articles

World Ben Lewinter World Ben Lewinter

Response to "The A-Word"

While highlighting how sometimes legitimate criticism of Israel can be rejected by some circles, Mr. Abboud fails to explore the actual meaning of apartheid and the factual evidence that shows how it does not apply to Israel.

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World Omar Abboud World Omar Abboud

The A-Word

Is society wrong for interpreting the word “apartheid” as inflammatory, or are Israeli Apartheid Week organizers just turning away more heads from their cause?

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Jonah Reider Jonah Reider

Self Indulgent Activism

If we allow the passion of Columbia students to shine through in a constructive and positive manner, I have faith that our community will be strengthened, anger will dissipate, and the social justice that all of us strive for will be made just a little more possible.

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World Eliot Sackler World Eliot Sackler

A Modest Proposal

The peace process needs a reset. Hamas is here to stay, and so it's time for Israel to include it as a piece of the puzzle, or at least try to.

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World Joshua Fattal World Joshua Fattal

Endless War: West Bank Occupation Hazards

This report seems to think—or wish—that legalizing the settlements makes them morally correct, too. But while land can be politicized and subjected to legal dispute, the Palestinian people should not be politicized and subjected to hardship because of legal minutia. And the hardships that Palestinians have to live through daily in the West Bank outweigh any legal conclusions. The law becomes less interesting when people are suffering.

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World Melissa Fich World Melissa Fich

Divided by Definition

Perhaps the most critical and least acknowledged impediment to the negotiation of a conflict is the manipulation of language. No peace process can come to fruition when representatives from conflicting parties are embroiled in debates on semantics, yet individuals in both government and media inevitably employ strategic language at various stages in the process.

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World Hadi Elzayn World Hadi Elzayn

Desert in Bloom

This week, the long captured soldier Gilad Shalit will be released in exchange for nearly 1,000 Palestinian prisoners convicted – in Israeli courts – for list of crimes of varying degrees of violence.

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World Aseel Najib World Aseel Najib

The Laugh Heard from the West Bank

My grandfather’s voice over the phone was quiet, but I could picture his mise-en-scène clearly. Sitting on his favorite chair in the veranda, he would be sipping his tea, occasionally pressing his glasses back up over the bridge of his nose to better watch the sun set over his small West Bank town of Nablus. He waited patiently as I fumbled through our tried-and-true conversation topics: family, the weather, regional politics. Finally, in a desperate attempt to revive our conversation, I asked for his thoughts on Barack Obama’s proposed freeze of Israeli settlements.

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