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Mosul Invasion 2016
"...the fall of Mosul does not represent the end of ISIS, and it might not even represent the beginning of the end"
"Les Français issues de l'immigration":
One year after the bloody terrorist attacks of November 2015, it is more urgent than ever for the French people and government to critically evaluate the present situation before the 2017 presidential election; otherwise that election might easily be won by a racist, anti-European, extreme-right political party.
Let Them Eat Cake
Gitmo has damaged the international perception of the US, and not only because it has questioned our commitment to the rule of law – it has also questioned our courage.
Interview with Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA
The following interview was conducted on May 30, 2012. Questions were submitted from writers at three ACE member publications: Columbia Political Review, Fordham Political Review, and Harvard Political Review.
Political Minutes: Euna Lee on Human Rights
On Friday night, the Columbia University chapter of Liberty in North Korea (LINK) presented a night with journalist, activist, and former North Korea detainee Euna Lee.
Rebiya Kadeer -- Face of the Uighurs
The Columbia Political Review has joined with other college political publications to form the Alliance of Collegiate Editors (ACE), hoping to generate cross-campus dialogue on political issues. Rebiya Kadeer, a prominent Uighur rights activist currently living in exile in the U.S., has agreed to answer some of our questions. You can read Ms. Kadeer's biography, including information on her involvement in the July 2009 unrest in Urumchi, in the New York Times here. For background information on Xinjiang/East Turkmenistan, and the Uighurs, click here.