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World Nadine Fattaleh World Nadine Fattaleh

Slick Dealings

While Jordan continues to consolidate the Hashemite political rule over the country, and to assert its stable position amidst regional conflict, it is also necessary to consider key aspects of the economy like energy security, and to move towards a more self-sufficient electricity and fuel economy.

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Elana Sulakshana Elana Sulakshana

License to Spill

As a nation and as a world, we must start thinking about the long-term impacts of our actions, rather than the short-term economic and energy benefits. Sustainable growth today will be more profitable in the future. Rejecting Keystone XL this spring is the right choice both for the nation and for the planet.

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Cindy Zhang Cindy Zhang

Big Fracking Deal

CPR asked three student groups on campus to discuss the increasingly more visible practice of hydrofracking and its possible effects on the environment, the energy sector, and the American economy.

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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

Not One for Talking

This election year has seen U.S. energy policy and the debate on global warming (does it exist, if it does who/what is responsible, and what we should do about it) get quite a bit of airtime, but from a distinctly 2012 tack.

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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

Is There a War on Coal?

In the American context, there is a War on Terror, a War in Afghanistan, and a War on Drugs…but that is it. There is no “war” being waged against women, religion, or coal.

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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

The Corn Ultimatum

The new wave of right-wing Republicans often tout their ideological commitment to the free market, but agriculture always seems to be the “exception” that gets a sly wink and nod. These politicians should start by leading the push to keep corn on our plates and out of our gas pumps.

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