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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

The Grand Old Problem

But all speculation aside, this election proves one thing above all else: For better or for worse, America has changed and will continue to do so. The (pun intended) elephant of a question in the room, however, is whether the GOP will be able to as well.

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World Andrea S. Viejo World Andrea S. Viejo

“Socialismo, Patria, te moriste”

The youth of Venezuela and their hope of seeing change in power in their country adds value to Capriles’ struggle. Many of them, far away from the country and on the eve of midterms in some of the most prestigious universities, have flown back just to exert their voting right.

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Jamie Boothe Jamie Boothe

The Taxer Conspiracy

Even in the face of an overwhelming wave of evidence that soundly contradicts their claim, they remain resolute in their conviction, undeterred by any well-grounded facts or presented documentation. They do so because their belief in this claim is based not on rational argument but rather on a deep hatred of the associated presidential candidate and what he stands for.

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Andrew Tan Andrew Tan

Will Citizens United Win It for Romney?

So, as much as Citizens United has changed the electoral landscape, its effects on the presidential race alone are likely to be muted. Unfortunately, this probably won’t be the case for smaller congressional and state congressional races, where less is known about candidates’ records.

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World David Silberthau World David Silberthau

Obvious Gaffes and Subtle Humility

Think about the outcry for Romney to release his tax returns (the Obama campaign’s widest, and most effective avenue of attack) seen in a totally different light. Romney might still have something to hide, but looking at his record, it seems he just doesn’t like talking about himself.

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World Cindy Zhang World Cindy Zhang

Interview: #Yosoy132 Organizer Valeria Hamel

CPR’s Andrea S. Viejo had the opportunity to converse with Valeria Hamel, one of the student spokespeople of the #YoSoy132 student movement in Mexico advocating for freedom of the press. She gave us insight into the upbringing of this movement and what it was like to organize the first independent student run presidential debate in the history of Mexico.

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World Chris Brennan World Chris Brennan

Don't Rock the Boat

On Sunday, Russians from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok will vote to decide who will be president for the next six years.

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