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Down Goes the Great Mosque
It is irrefutable that the destruction of the minaret carries great symbolic meaning, but the longer-term ramifications are less clear.
Endless War: West Bank Occupation Hazards
This report seems to think—or wish—that legalizing the settlements makes them morally correct, too. But while land can be politicized and subjected to legal dispute, the Palestinian people should not be politicized and subjected to hardship because of legal minutia. And the hardships that Palestinians have to live through daily in the West Bank outweigh any legal conclusions. The law becomes less interesting when people are suffering.
"Below the Battle"
Last week, the Kenyan government officially declared an “offensive military agenda,” an action that many are calling Kenya's first war. Interestingly, this war is not with another nation, but with Al-Shabaab – an extremist militia splinter group of Al-Qaeda that has controlled large parts of Somalia for years.