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The Grand Old Problem
But all speculation aside, this election proves one thing above all else: For better or for worse, America has changed and will continue to do so. The (pun intended) elephant of a question in the room, however, is whether the GOP will be able to as well.
Obama Spins Mitt Around the World in Round Three
Romney clearly thought he had to merely play it safe and pass an abstract “litmus test”, while Obama was out to show that this guy is not ready to wield the might of the most powerful nation in the world.
State of the Race
There’s a lot going on right now. The vice-presidential debate went live last week, polls have tightened significantly since Romney’s strong performance in Denver, the second Presidential debate is tomorrow night, and the election is in just over three weeks. Say that ten times fast.
The Super Bowl of Electoral Politics
9 p.m. EST Wednesday night. Grab your popcorn and plop down in front of the television, because I hear the networks are carrying it. The presidential debates. It’s the Super Bowl of electoral politics. And boy am I excited.
A Game of Groans
This week President Obama and Mitt Romney will come together, face-to-face, for the first time in front of the national audience. They will debate domestic policy at the University of Denver, moderated by PBS’ Jim Lehrer.
The Taxer Conspiracy
Even in the face of an overwhelming wave of evidence that soundly contradicts their claim, they remain resolute in their conviction, undeterred by any well-grounded facts or presented documentation. They do so because their belief in this claim is based not on rational argument but rather on a deep hatred of the associated presidential candidate and what he stands for.
Sound Bite Politics
As a citizen voting in her first presidential election, I am disappointed with the flavor of the current discourse and the lack of concrete ideas. Politics always has had mudslinging and distracting sound bites, but in this election we are faced with two competing visions for the American government to bring the country out of its economic recession.
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Politics
If campaigns believed that people didn’t start paying attention until after Labor Day, then why have they spent hundreds of millions of dollars on ads until they can’t buy any more T.V. time? Why do they care so much about campaigning if we allegedly do not.
The Best Solution Available
While conventional wisdom says that embracing a plan as unpopular as Ryan’s is not smart politics, Romney and Ryan might be banking on the fact that most of the negative attention the plan has received is based on the claim that the plan would hurt seniors by cutting Medicare – a claim that is utterly false.
Romney-Ryan vs. Obama-Biden vs. Us
It’s clear from the past four years that Obama and the Democrats are either unwilling or unable to do what a majority of Americans elected them into office to do. They’ve betrayed us or they’ve failed us.
The Ryan-Romney Ticket
This election just got an upgrade. Ryan will force Romney to talk about the budget, and therefore, it will force the president to talk about the budget.
Romney-Ryan Offers Hope for America
But even more importantly, the selection of Ryan sends the message that Romney will push for policies that he believes are best for this country, even if they may be politically unpopular.
Colorado Theatre
Really, the past three “nonpolitical” days have been the most political. Both Obama and Romney had to pass a litmus test. Was the president empathetic enough? Did he unify the country?
Eventually, negative attacks begin to backfire, particularly if they hone in on personal history details. While he may be an ineffective leader, Obama is certainly a genius campaigner, and now his own tricks are being used against him.
Enough Vague Campaigning
It’s been a tiring primary season filled with mostly broad, sweeping statements from both sides with figurative or actual “booing” from the opposite side. As we enter into the next phase of presidential and legislative debates, I hope we will hear more details.
Netanyahu and Romney, Destined to be Together?
Still battling the disdain for his Mormon faith from hardcore religious-right groups, Romney can benefit from getting on the good side of the Christian friends of the Holy Land.
The American CEO
Mitt Romney can run a campaign by telling Americans about everything they’re missing, and what he would do to fill the void. It is efficient and clear. He sees the problem, and sets out to fix it. His strategy is sensible (notwithstanding the sometimes ironclad rigidity). It follows the mind of a businessman. But the president is more than a jobs plan.
What if I'm Wrong?
Although we may not be sure whether what we know is absolutely right, we should in the spirit of civic-republicanism still strive to seek, critically evaluate, and express our beliefs. My generation cannot afford to ignore the political process.
Wright-Wing Politics
However, using Wright in any way to attack Obama, or even mentioning Wright at all, would be about the most foolish thing either the Romney campaign or any of his supportive Super PACs could do.