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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

Qatar: Football as Soft Power

Tiny Qatar, tapping its vast resources into this cash-strapped but immensely popular global sport, is tactfully increasing its global standing. Football is essentially another form of diplomacy.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

Hollande's First Steps

Ensuring a no-fly zone over Syria would be a good way to start empowering the rebels. Though it may be a risky gamble, with much uncertainty lying ahead, it is very courageous of Hollande to try and force the hands of his fellow heads of state and attempt to put an end to this massacre.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

Bunga Bunga

That Berlusconi can still threaten to bring down the Monti government and play the kingmaker by withdrawing his support shows to what extent his legacy will haunt Italian politics.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

The State of the (European) Union

The fact is, however, that the European Union is one of the most exciting and ambitious challenges ever set in motion by politicians. Nobel Peace Prize or not, it deserves to prevail.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

The Numbers Game

The growing discontent of the middle class means that this total will likely be difficult to attain: 58 percent of the population disapproves with her performance and more than 70 percent of the population now disagrees with the government’s economic policies.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

A Loaded Peace

The root of the problem, therefore, lies in limited opportunities for the countries’ youth in face of the thrilling alternative of gang life and its economic incentives. Education is the true solution, and the gang’s promise not to recruit in schools, so long as it lasts, is the real victory.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

Paraguayan Coup: Saying "Hasta Lugo"

Lugo failed to work hand in hand with a powerful Congress and his burdensome Liberal “allies” and managed to unite most of Paraguay’s political system against him. Though the proceedings for his impeachment were perfectly legal, they leave Paraguay’s democracy weakened, its leaders diplomatically isolated, and its poor unattended.

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World Damien Coruzzi World Damien Coruzzi

In the Name of Macedonia

Greece accuses the former Yugoslav province, which has been independent since 1991, of stealing its national heritage and misappropriating Hellenic heroes such as Philip and Alexander of Macedon for the purpose of tourism and national identity building. Stealing another country’s national heritage is a bad enough crime, say Greeks, but revising history is unacceptable.

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