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Colombian Unrest Indicates Fundamental Instability
The Nasa people, an indigenous group from the region whose numbers are up to 100,000, decided to take the matters into their own hands and rose against both the government and the leftist guerrillas.
Umm… lo siento, no entender. No hablar español!
A multitude of reasons exist why Americans are monolingual. That’s not the point: What is exasperating is the idea that everyone south of the border is brown and sólo habla español.
Chiquita Massacre
This passage from Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude could be read as another example of the Nobel Prize-winner’s genius ability to use fantasy as a metaphor for everyday life. It could be an imagined story that references the violent history of Colombia and the country’s seeming inability to learn from its experiences. Yet as those who visit Colombia will realize, Marquez describes Colombian reality much more often than one would think, and this case is no exception: in Colombia, banana companies help pile people like bananas.