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Blast from the Past: Citizens United; Columbians Divided
Columbia Students, from libertarians to socialists, debate the Citizens United ruling and campaign finance more generally.
Will Citizens United Win It for Romney?
So, as much as Citizens United has changed the electoral landscape, its effects on the presidential race alone are likely to be muted. Unfortunately, this probably won’t be the case for smaller congressional and state congressional races, where less is known about candidates’ records.
Citizens Standing United
In his notable dissent in Ligget Co. v Lee (1933), Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis noted that corporations “have brought such concentration of economic power that so-called private corporations are sometimes able to dominate the state.” What Brandeis observed in the twentieth century has again become a threat today.
Election 2012: Super PAC-Men
It is said that money talks, and indeed, individuals with great wealth want to influence this year’s election to serve their own purposes: Enter the Super PAC.