Michael Ouimette

Michael Ouimette is a Columbia College freshman.
He can be contacted at michael.ouimette@gmail.com.



Get Out of the KitchenGet Out of the Kitchen

October 17, 2012 8:45 pm 

As a fiscally moderate Democrat, I hope a real primary in the Republican Party is used to properly gather attention for the general election candidacy of a “New York Republican” — a strong leader who combines fiscally conservative policies without adopting social policies of the current GOP.



Cuomo in ControlCuomo in Control

October 2, 2012 9:57 pm

To regain control of the state senate, the Democrats need a unified financial, media, and grassroots operation that can only be inspired by one leader. Governor Andrew Cuomo is the only person who has the popularity to deliver independent swing voters to candidates like Addabbo and O’Brien.



Marriage Equality Republicans Face PrimariesMarriage Equality Republicans Face Primaries

September 18, 2012 8:39 pm

These election results are the result of a zealous minority taking advantage of low turnout to make a loud statement to GOP incumbents: moderates and Republicans who move to the left on any issue will be challenged and defeated for reelection.




CPRecap: NYC Local PrimariesCPRecap: NYC Local Primaries

September 14, 2012 5:39 pm 

In an election that turned out to be one of the ugliest in the state, State Senator Adriano Espaillat defeated Assemblyman Guillermo Linares in his bid for reelection 62 percent to 38 percent.  Both candidates are trailblazers in Dominican-American politics: Linares was the first Dominican-American elected to the New York City Council; Espaillat was the first Dominican-American elected to the state legislature.



Mitt Romney Can’t Conquer the WorldMitt Romney Can’t Conquer the World

July 30, 2012 4:07 am

Where Romney antagonized the citizens, press, and leaders of the United Kingdom, Obama delivered a speech to over 200,000 applauding Germans in Berlin.



Remember Me?Remember Me?

July 25, 2012 6:46 pm

The question left to be answered is whether sending sexually revealing pictures to a young woman will continue to haunt Weiner. Given his strong legislative record and his ability to spend up to $6 million on the race, Anthony Weiner should throw his hat in the ring in the public advocate’s race to find out.



Get Out of the Kitchen


David and Goliath