Editor's Note

This past year has been one of the most tumultuous ones that I can recall. Social movements have sprung up all across the world from the Middle East to India to South America to Europe to, without a doubt, here at home in the United States. Some of the most entrenched systems are being resisted and, in some cases, even shaken. The energy and enthusiasm of these movements are palpable – who hasn’t had a conversation or a heated debate with a friend, relative, or stranger about one of the movements? I’m guilty, though. For having been so close in proximity to one of the biggest movements in recent American times, I sadly haven’t yet made the trip to Zuccotti Park. It’s especially embarrassing considering my role in this magazine. Thankfully, I’ve been able to experience the Occupy Wall Street movement vicariously through Alex Klein, who has done a wonderful job in this issue of presenting a holistic view of what the term “occupy” truly entails while also giving a personal account of his experiences on the ground.

Matt Getz and our student groups in the Student Stump feature have given their take on movements happening in other parts of the world.  Getz focuses on the role of students in holding the Chilean Government accountable for its lack of attention to education, among other issues. This is especially relevant to students in the United States who are facing similar pressures as a result of rising tuition costs and increasing difficulty in procuring student loans. In Student Stump, Turath, LionPAC, and Students for Justice in Palestine discuss the aftermath of the Arab Spring in accordance with each of the groups’ mission statements.

As the weather gets chilly, take solace in the fact that there exists a much colder region in the world – a region that Mikå Mered writes about in our cover story. Mered discusses the rising importance of Antarctica in foreign policy spheres and the games countries are playing to obtain a stronghold over its abundant natural resources. Stay warm and enjoy the holidays!

Narayan Subramanian



Arab Springs To No Avail


The Chile Winter